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Only authorized users have access to AVRS data and reporting. To request access:
Law Enforcment access
Non-Law Enforcement access

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The AVRS website is developed and maintained by LexisNexis® on behalf of the Illinois Department of Transportation. It serves as a portal into the State of Illinois's repository for traffic accident reports completed by Illinois law enforcement agencies.

The integrity of AVRS data is dependent upon both the accuracy and frequency with which the data is updated and user's interpretation.

Therefore, no warranty, either expressed or implied, is given to the accuracy, completeness, reliablity, or suitability for any particular purpose of the information contained in AVRS.

Restricted Access
AVRS online services provided by LexisNexis® are for the exclusive use of law enforcement, approved agencies, and other authorized users in the state of Illinois. User agreements are required. Unauthorized access to this site is prohibited.

Attention: At this time AVRS Portal only supports Internet Explorer.

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